Trauma Informed Supervision

About me as a Trauma Informed Supervisor and Consultant. 

I will start with my journey as a therapist which I began in 1992.  

My original training was a three-year Diploma in Humanistic Integrative Psychological Therapy. I also alongside this studied for a 3-year certificate in Transpersonal Perspectives in Psychological Therapy. (In my work (and personally) I am attentive to spiritual health (in whatever way is meaningful (or not) to the client or supervisee or consultee that I am working with).  As part of my Humanistic training, I secured a placement within a Rape Crisis Centre in London. The centre supported women who had been raped and/or sexually assualted as an adult and/or raped and/or sexually abused as children. This placement fired a passion in me that is still burning as strongly (if not even more so) today to want to change approaches and attitudes to sexual violence.  It was also a catalyst for my journey in working through my own childhood trauma as well as multiple traumas related to my gender. I became aware of huge amounts of internalised shame about my experiences. I have had a lot of my own personal therapy but am aware that even now shame and not feeling good enough can still catch me unawares. (I alongside many of the people I have worked with and still work with hold a legacy of ancestral; generational; early developmental; cultural and societal trauma). I worked in the centre for a period of eight years including ‘acting’ manager. My experience of both my initial therapy training and working within the Rape Crisis Centre from my late 20’s onwards in a variety of roles including co-writing and delivering the training for volunteers; and being acting manager) was the best learning environment that I could have wished for in terms of in-depth learning about the impact of psychological trauma (both on others and myself).

Jane Chugg White Therapist


I will be forever grateful to the clients; volunteers and other paid staff members that I worked with there. I am also extremely sad that we live in an environment and culture where so many still experience sexual violence as well as prejudice and oppression and I am consistently frustrated that there is not nearly enough awareness and understanding of the impact and therefore wholly inadequate support and funding to meet the need to help those suffering as a result of these crimes.  

Part of my role within Rape Crisis was to sit within a Domestic Abuse forum with the local council as well as an Independent Advisory Panel to the Met Police on Rape and Sexual Assault based in New Scotland Yard. While working within Rape Crisis I also supervised a group of volunteers working within a Domestic Abuse agency.        

From the centre I went to work for the NHS. This was a pilot project to deliver routine screening for Domestic Abuse within A and E and maternity Units.  I co delivered training for staff within these departments. From here I secured a post working for a private hospital in East Sussex who at that time were offering a residential programme for people with a diagnosis of PTSD and Complex PTSD. While there I went on to train in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT); Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR). Latterly I have trained in Lifespan Integration Therapy (LI) and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS).  

From the Priory I secured a post at Canterbury Christchurch University as a Senior Lecturer on an Introducing Access to Psychological Therapies programme as well as being a supervisor to therapists who were accessing the IAPT training.  I latterly became a lead examiner for students on the IAPT programmes.  

Present Day

I am fully self-employed. I work online for 3 days a week and face to face within the Priory hospital for two days a week. I am working both as a psychological therapist with and as a trauma informed supervisor and consultant. 

I am accredited with the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapists (BABCP) and an accredited member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy. (BACP). I am also EMDR Europe accredited. 

I completed a Diploma in Integrating Internal Family Systems into Supervision and Consultation in 2023. 

Supervision and Consultation Experience. 


I am supervising two groups of volunteers and individual staff within a charity supporting female and male survivors of Rape and/or childhood sexual abuse. 

I am supervising a range of therapists and psychologists both within private practice and organisations in relation to their client work. 

I supervise contracted therapists within the Priory group. 

I supervise individual staff working within a charity working with survivors of Domestic Abuse. 


Consulting with the Met Police as part of an Independent Advisory Group on Rape and Sexual Assault.  

Consulting with East Enders regarding a rape within marriage script. 

Supervising volunteers within a Domestic Abuse agency 

Supervising Nursing staff and therapists within the Priory.

Supervising Therapists working within Improving Access to Psychological Therapies. (IAPT) (Government and NHS funded). 

Supervising the team delivering Dialectical Behavioural Therapy to individuals presenting with self-harming and suicidal behaviours within a Priory Hospital based in London.

More about me as a Trauma Informed Supervisor and Consultant

I completed a diploma in Integrating Internal Family Systems into Supervision and Consultation training in 2023. The multi-dimensional view I mentioned earlier in relation to Trauma Informed Supervision and Consulting is partly informed by the FP8 model developed by Liz Martins and Emma Redfern. (Redfern and Martins 2023a) 

My main model of supervision is both Trauma and IFS Informed.  The IFS model for clients has been developed into the FP8 model for supervision and consultation by Liz Martins and Emma Redfern. This is the model of supervision that I now primarily hold as my framework when supervising and consulting. I am also influenced both by my personal experience and years of working therapeutically and personally with my own trauma; and my work over the last 30 years consisting of thousands of hours of therapy with extremely courageous individual clients also impacted by trauma and other therapists and mental health workers working with clients impacted by traumas. 

If you are wanting to know more about Jane Chugg White as a therapist please click the following link